Established 1982
This website is being rebuilt from scratch in December 2017 because Microsoft decided to stop hosting websites, altogether and this website is now with a different host The last rebuild was thanks to Microsoft’s decision in April 2012 to close down the hosting system used by thousands of people since 2007. My apologies for its unfinished condition, I will keep adding photographs and information as fast as possible.
There are photos missing from many pages of earlier years and a lot of photos missing from the ‘In New Homes’ pages for which I apologise to all the wonderful people around the world who own horses that I have bred, but I hope to catch up with this soon as I love to feature what these horses are doing in their new homes.
This is one important page that is not properly updated because I cannot think of what to say -about us ! Except that Maryss PRE Stud is now the longest established active UK PRE studfarm. I am proud of all that I have achieved in the breed in the past 35 years since I created the British Andalusian Horse Society in September 1982, which later morphed in 2002 into ‘The British Association for the Purebred Spanish Horse Ltd. I have been the National Studbook Registrar and liaison working with the Spanish Studbook (ANCCE-LGPRE) for nearly 20years now and look forward to many more years with my PRE horses.
Perhaps I will think of some more to say about us some other time !?
I will have a look for a 1982 photo of me and my first Andalusian Horse but meanwhile I love the photo below of darling Anisada – the best mare anyone could have had.
Mary with her foundation mare, ANISADA, in 1991 soon after arrival in Winnipeg, Canada where they lived for 4 years. Anisada was CH at the Texas PRE show in 1992, and her son Maryss Cazador won Reserve Junior Champion at the IAHA National Championships in Fort Worth, Texas 1992.
Mary with MARYSS ULTRAFINA, great-granddaughter of ANISADA, during the 2014 UK PRE Breeding Evaluations.
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